
California Asbestos & Mesothelioma Lawyers : The Law Offices of Steven A. Elia, APC

The Law Offices of Steven A Elia APC
For more than a decade, our team of personal injury, civil litigation, and business attorneys has been recognized for the positive results we achieve in helping people resolve their injury claims, navigate corporate legal transactions, and prosecute or defend their cases in court. Our unique collaborative approach to legal services means you benefit from the perspectives and experience of multiple attorneys assigned to your case – as well as the assistance of paralegals and investigators – all covered by fees that are about half of what larger downtown firms charge.

The Law Offices of Steven A. Elia, APC

2221 Camino Del Rio S, Ste. 207
San Diego, CA 92108
(619) 444-2244

Source : http://www.elialaw.com