
Antion McGee Law Group West Virginia Asbestos Mesothelioma Lawyers

Antion McGee Law cluster focuses on amphibole cases. Our attorneys bring national proceeding expertise and a wide  presence to our workplace in Morgantown, American state. we've traveled each country road visiting all cardinal counties in American state, additionally as its close states, to recover for our purchasers.

Every single amphibole trial cluster in American state over the past 10 years has concerned our attorneys, Vicki and Scott. Together, they need guided  dozens of attorneys and purchasers through the proceeding method.

Antion McGee lawyers square measure commissioned in Illinois, New York, South geographic area, and American state, and that we work with co-counsel and consultants throughout the country on our amphibole cases.

341 Chaplin Rd.
2nd Floor, Suite B
Morgantown, WV 26501
Toll Free: 1.844.498.6376

Source :http://antionmcgee.com

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